Friday 12 February 2010

Follow Fridays

Frankly Fridays are gone too quickly. There is always too much going on during the day in an attempt to avoid weekend working. During the evening there are hopefully friends or family to wind down with. Otherwise, it is random TV, spotify, red wine and tweeting. All of a sudden I'm feeling guilty because yet again I forgot to #ff....yes?

Happily I've spent the last 2 days immersed in an array of self help books learning to photoread with @clarewhiston. What I've discovered in the course of photoreading one of these books is that I'm not being entirely honest with myself.

In fact, if I'm honest, this is just rubbish. If I'm honest, I have been avoiding #ff'ing. If I'm honest, it is because I am afraid of offending someone I follow by not mentioning them and this fear has held me back. FFS get a grip woman! So, I'm going to get round this by focusing on groups of people who meet specific criteria. If I have not included you this week (who am I kidding? I mean this month!) then apologies but I will remember you next time.

So, please #ff the following:

People I have met in person and still love to follow
@jackiedawks - because she is an encouraging and exemplary Chair and charity recruiter with a great sense of humour and humanity - and I like her lists!
@clarewhiston - a brilliant and inspirational coach, hypnotist and photoreading trainer amongst many other talents (soon to be an elite dragonboat racer!)
@jamesmb - for being a generous, funny #tog with a lawyerly sideline and access to a fabulous boardroom
@candy_l - another lovely lawyer and #goodenough mummy (hang on a minute - she makes cupcakes! - upgrade to #supermum). Claire reassures me I'm doing okay when I'm fretting about having to buy my cupcakes
@PJSPhotography - fabulous #tog and really nice bloke - might usually #tog buildings but is secretly brilliant at capturing people too
@nibby01 - just a lovely writerly lady who makes me laugh and also runs @Chestnutappeal
@alpenwest - because I may not have discovered Twitter without his encouragement!
@Bluegrass_IT - because Dave gave me confidence and again is just a really genuine person
@KristenSousa - who often joins #tlng (see below) and is also a great dog lover - and Molly the Mop is always available!

People I follow who I'd still like to meet in person
@GeorgeJulian - a welfare crusader with a great sense of humour and mischief ;-)
Fellow members of #tlng (the late night gang) @MarkBIGSW @LittleLaura & @Claire_Sloane
@GabrielleNYC - because I can't wait to hear her stories -follow and send get well vibes!
@Chris_Penberthy - who seems to be a very genuine voluntary sector supporter with gsoh - not always synonymous!
@DarenBBC - someone who gets the balance of personal and professional just right - and surprises - FTW ;-)

Eeek - it is 23.53 - just enough time left to post before Saturday so that's all folks. Night y'all (tribute to @treypennington who I am looking forward to meeting at #likeminds!).

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